Contact Us: 1.800.959.0110

About Us

We are the US Chapter of the Vision Foundation of India, (VFI) an organization founded by Dr. Kulin Kothari of the Bombay City Eye Institute. 

Click here to see how VFI has helped prevent blindness for those less fortunate.

It is our mission to provide financial support to organizations engaged in research for preventing needless and preventable blindness, restoring curable blindness, and rehabilitating people handicapped with blindness. We provide financial support to any charitable organization or foundation that provides eye care service and eye care awareness to the needy and the less privileged. With our outstanding rapport with various eye care institutions in India, we have been able to help provide eye care services and treatment to thousands of patients in India.

80% of blindness is treatable. The Government is undertaking lots of work at different levels under the National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB). Even with this good work, the cases of ocular disease and blindness are ever increasing in magnitude.

Exploding population and increasing life expectancy are the main contributors to increasing numbers. Today, there are about 1.2 crore blind people in India alone.

Form 501c Tax exempt

Company Registration

Board of Directors

Rashmin Master
President & Founding Member
Jignesh Kothari 
 Vice President & Founding Member

Rajendra Lodhavia
Secretary & Founding Member